Friday, November 26, 2010

J2ME Bluetooth Game Tic Tac Toe/ 3Gewinnt

Another ancient find in my workspaces!

Although today JavaFX should be the chosen platform when developing applications for limited resources devices, I once created a traditional J2ME game when JavaFX wasn't released.

The game is very simple and is equivalent to the good old known Tic Tac Toe principle. As far as I can remember I wanted to know whether it is possible to create a wireless connection between mobile devices running java.


  • Single Player
  • Multiplayer via Bluetooth
  • Prepared: AI Mode
  • Fully J2ME implemented using standard GUI

The result can be seen when deploying the JAR/ JAD to your mobile handset.

I don't have pictures showing the game right now, because it is years ago since development and usage. And maybe I'm going to re-package it using Maven for simpler integration.

Successfull usage on:

Sony Ericsson K750i
Sony Ercisson T650i

and some other Nokia i can't remember anymore ;-)


Project Folder - was built using WTK 2.5.2


  1. No file present

  2. can you make it rematch while being in the same connection.
    thanks waiting for a reply

    1. That shouldnt be a problem. You just have to define a new command handshake that resets both devices to their initial state.
